The Agency for Science and Higher Education developed an integrated quality system which encompasses the entire organization and is based on the application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and requirements of ISO 9001 standard.
Harmonisation of ASHE work with the said requirements has contributed to the continuous improvement of business processes and practices and a successful implementation of activities within the Agency’s scope of activity.
The Quality Policy provides the overall direction to all activities and represents a framework for the development of ASHE and its internal quality assurance system. The aims of the Quality Policy are the preservation and enhancement of the relevance of external quality assurance in accordance with social developments, and the enhancement of ASHE’s social role, with the aim of promoting the quality of higher education and science.
The Quality Policy is implemented through the active participation of employees and stakeholders in the implementation of processes and activities that are an integral part of the quality assurance system.