As part of strengthening the cross-border cooperation in the area of higher education the Agency for Science and Higher Education conducts cross-border evaluation procedures.
Cross-border evaluations of study programmes
The Agency conducts cross-border evaluations of study programmes according to the programme evaluation model which it developed for this purpose in accordance with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).
Outcomes of evaluation procedures:
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
- Quality standards in the process of accreditation of joint studies of domestic and foreign higher education institutionsPDF | 1 MB
- Ordinance on the implementation of the procedure for accreditation of joint studies of domestic and foreign higher education institutionsPDF | 4 MB
- Self-evaluation Report TemplateDOCX | 57 KB
- Panel Report TemplateDOCX | 60 KB
- Consortium Statement to the Panel ReportDOCX | 52 KB