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Higher education in the Republic of Croatia is performed within university and professional courses.  University study programmes qualify students to work in science and higher education, private and public sector and society in general, as well as to develop and apply scientific and professional knowledge. Professional study programmes provide students with an appropriate level of knowledge and skills required to work in applied professions, as well as a direct integration in the working process.

University study programmes have three levels: undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate university programmes. Professional study programmes includes two levels: professional (undergraduate) and specialist graduate professional studies. Undergraduate programmes regularly last three to four years and provide graduates with 180 to 240 ECTS points.  Graduate programmes regularly last one to two years and provide graduates with 60 to 120 ECTS points. Postgraduate university (doctoral) programmes regularly last three years and usually award 180 ECTS points.  Postgraduate specialist programmes regularly last one to two years and award the title of university specialist with the specification of the profession.  Professional programmes regularly last one to two years and provide graduates with 120 to 180 ECTS points. Specialist professional graduate programmes regularly last three to four years and provide graduates with 60 to 120 ECTS points.  There are currently about 1272 accredited study programmes in the Republic of Croatia.

Scheme of studies in Croatia 

Number of study programmes at various types of HEIs

Ratio of university and professional programmes

Structure of university and professional programmes 

Number of accredited study programmes