Agency for Science and Higher Education launches thematic evaluation of public research institutes in the Republic of Croatia in academic year 2010/2011 and advertises public call for application of members of the expert panel.
The goal of the thematic evaluation is to assess the efficiency and appropriateness of publically funded research institutes in Republic of Croatia. Such overarching approach will result in the analysis of the condition and the direction of the possible development for Croatia’s public research institutes. The analysis will further on present an integrated overview of the efficiency and justifiability of conducting scientific research as independent institutions and possibilities of their integration with other institutions within the national science system.
Final outcome of thematic evaluation may be the expert panel’s recommendations to:
(I) merge the institutes within same or similar scientific field;
(II) (re)integrate with the universities; or
(III) form national research centers.
If you want to apply to be entered in our database of members of the panel of experts, please fill in the form.
Deadline for application is 1st of December 2010.
If you have further questions, please send them to
Date of publish: July 22, 2010