International round table Processing the Bologna Process: Current Losses and Future Gains was held at the University of Zagreb on Friday and Saturday 5th and 6th March 2010. This round table was organised by the University of Zagreb UNESCO Chair for Governance and Management, with the participation of prominent professors from Croatian and European universities who exchanged their experience and ideas of Bologna process as well as positive and negative aspects of its implementation. Representatives of the Agency for Science and Higher Education also participated at the conference. During the course of presentations and discussion, distinguished guests from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Great Britain and Croatia presented information and estimates of the positive aspects of the Bologna reform in Croatia and Europe, but also criticised the way it was implemented at some faculties, analysing traditional, economic and legal causes for the implementation of studying in line with the Bologna model.
The conclusion of the round table was that Bologna process brings more advantages than disadvantages to all stakeholders and that Croatia should persist in the integral and consistent implementation of the Bologna reform.