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Agency for Science and Higher Education celebrated its 5th anniversary by organizing a conference titled „How to Make Croatian Higher Education Competitive?“ on October 29th 2010 at the University of Dubrovnik.

The conference gathered international experts and representatives of Croatian higher education institutions and institutions active in the field of higher education in order to facilitate discussion on the topics connected with the upcoming reaccreditation of higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia, such as the European and American trends in quality assurance and ranking of higher education institutions.

The conference speakers were Mrs Annette Craven, PhD,  Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) President, Mr Gregory O’Brien, former vice president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), Mrs Ellen Hazelkorn, PhD, Director and Dean of the Dublin Institute of Technology Faculty of Applied Arts, Mr Josep Grifoll Sauri, member of the ENQA Board,  prof. dr. sc. dr.h.c. Gordana Kralik, University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek Rector, and Mrs Sandra Bezjak, ASHE representative.  
The conference presentations can be downloaded at the links below:

Accreditation in the USA – Gregory O’Brien

Are Rankings a Useful Benchmarking Instrument – Ellen Hazelkorn

Croatian Higher Education – Gordana Kralik

Managing Business Schools in Higher Education – Annette Craven

Quality Assurance and Accreditation in EHEA – Josep Grifoll Sauri

ASHE, the First Five Years – Sandra Bezjak