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On the invitation of the European Training Foundation (ETF), ASHE representatives participated in the international conference held in Torino on May 9th– 11th 2011. ETF is an EU agency tasked with supporting transition and developing countries in strengthening their human resources through reform of the education and training system and labour market, in the frame of the EU external cooperation policies.

ETF in 2010 launched the Torino process aimed at evidence-based reform of vocational education and training (VET) in each of the partner countries.  An evidence-based analysis of the current state of affairs should serve as a basis for future enhancement of the educational system and the labour market in these countries.

Analysis of each of the countries is based on collected evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, such as statistical data and indices, good practices, quality assessments, existing national and international reports etc., and involving a large number of various stakeholders. Torino process should result in country and regional reports and recommendations for improvement of the VET systems and links between education and the labour market.
The first study prepared within the Torino Process is „The Education and Business Study“ which encompasses both VET and professional higher education. Its aim is to analyse the cooperation between the education system and the labour market in the ETF partner countries. The conference was used to present the study, which marks the end of the first phase of the process, to the representatives of all 27 partner countries, who were gathered to exchange experience and define further goals and activities.

Within the Torino Process, ETF prepared a project to be started in 2011 and finished in 2013, which would also involve the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation between EU and ETF partner countries’ experts in developing methodological concept and the tools for monitoring and forecasting the needs of the labour market in order to provide education matching the needs of the labour market.

As a part of these activities, ETF in cooperation with the Agency for Science and Higher Education is preparing a preliminary meeting to be held on June 30th 2011, gathering representatives of the Interdepartmental Working Body for Labour Market Monitoring, National Competitiveness Council and Sector Councils, as well as Cedefop experts.
The aim of the meeting is to present methodologies to be used in forecasting the labour market needs in order to match them to educational offer.