Representatives of the Agency for Science and Higher Education participated in a workshop on the theme of “Implementing the ESG in the Balkan region”, which was funded by the UNESCO/GIQAC project and organized by ENQA and the Austrian Accreditation Council (AAC), held on 16-17 June, 2011 in Vienna, Austria
ENQA is currently carrying out a project funded by UNESCO and the World Bank (Global Initiative on Quality Assurance Capacity – GIQAC) on the theme of “Implementing the ESG in the Balkan region”. The overall aim of the project is to support recently established quality assurance agencies to comply with internationally accepted standards such as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and to create a pool of trained potential members of external review panels by sharing experience in applying ESG in external quality assurance procedures.
As a kick-off meeting for this project, a workshop was held on 16-17 June 2011 in Vienna, Austria in cooperation with the Austrian Accreditation Council (AAC). It served as a forum for consultancy and networking between recently established quality assurance agencies and seeks to offer clarification on the current interpretation of the ESG, to discuss the role of the national context when implementing the ESG, and to advise on how national QA systems and QA procedures can be aligned with the ESG.
Analysis of audit material and evaluative writing
Consistency Input for discussion
Internal Quality Assurance procedures for agencies: The CINTAS Proyect
Accreditation and External Evaluation of HE Institutions in Serbia