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MEHR – Modernisation, Education and Human Rights is a 3-year long project starting in September 2016 and building on the work of the ECA (European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education) Working Group 4 on the use of learning outcomes and their assessment in accreditation procedures. Learning outcomes now feature in the quality assessment and accreditation procedures for higher education programmes in several countries. Nonetheless, the degree of implementation and embedding of learning outcomes varies widely among countries. Building on evidence-based foundation, the present project intends to develop a Quality Assurance Guide (QUAG) on assessing learning outcomes (focusing specifically on human rights topics). This will enable QAAs to undertake a self-assessment of their performance regarding the assessment of LO on HR in their accreditation practices. The value of the MEHR project resides in its proposed exploration of the QAAs’ attention to the definition and usage of LO of HR in higher education institutions, as revealed by their evaluative practices.

The Project consortium gathers institutions (an agency and a higher education institution) from three European countries of different size, educational traditions and structures of higher education systems as well as different levels of development on LO assessment tools and procedures (Croatia, Portugal, Sweden), and one international organisation located in Belgium (ESIB).

For the participating organisations the project will strengthen their skills in the field of LO assessment on HR; for the research and teaching institutions, the project will correspond to an advance in the state of the art in the field of LO; for QAAs and ECA the production of the “QUAG”, available for member agencies and others will represent a significant step forwards in the development of its mission; the project will also promote the dialogue between national agencies and higher education institutions, enabling the exchange of best practices across cultural contexts, as well as developing suitable methods for comparing practices of LO assessment across Europe, building a better understanding for how Agencies (QAAs) and higher education institutions can improve LO assessment methodologies.