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The Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) published on Wednesday, 12 April 2017, the 2016 Annual Report and 2017 Activity Plan, with the aim of informing the public about the performed activities and plans for the coming period.

The Annual Report is submitted to the Croatian Government, Parliament, Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Science and Education, all higher education institutions, scientific organisations, European quality assurance agencies, Croatian and foreign organisations of which ASHE is member and other stakeholders in higher education and science.

Overview of activities in 2016

  • The Agency carried out the re-accreditation of 33 postgraduate university study programmes; 
  • The Agency produced the Analysis of the five-year cycle of re-accreditation of higher education institutions;
  • In accordance with the preparations for the new re-accreditation cycle, drafts of the following documents were produced: Standards for the evaluation of quality of universities and university constituents in the procedure of re-accreditation of higher education institutions; Standards for the evaluation of quality of polytechnics and colleges in the procedure of re-accreditation of higher education institutions; the Procedure for the re-accreditation of higher education institutions; the System of the assessment and evaluation of quality of higher education institutions in the procedure of higher education institutions re-accreditation and Tables in the self-evaluation obtained from the MOZVAG database;
  • ASHE produced and published a draft Meta-evaluation of external quality assurance audits in the 2010-2015 period, compiling data from all the procedures (i.e. annual meta-evaluations) completed in the first cycle;
  • ASHE organised a kick-off meeting of the National network of quality assurance units at higher education institutions (CroQAnet);
  • The National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development held five sessions;
  • Scientific field committees held 94 sessions and passed 1243 decisions;
  • Field committees of the Council of Polytechnics and Colleges held 28 sessions, passing a total of 298 positive decisions on the fulfilment of criteria for appointment to teaching grades;
  • Six consultation sessions were held with employees of higher education institutions which were appointed as MOZVAG database coordinators at their higher education institutions in Osijek, Split, Zadar, Rijeka and Zagreb;
  • A study of certain aspects of student experience (students having enrolled undergraduate and integrated study programmes in the academic year 2012/2013) was launched;
  • Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office recognized 1700 foreign higher education qualifications for the purpose of employment;
  • ASHE has taken part in 15 international projects as project leader or partner;
  • ASHE was awarded the MAMFORCE standard for implementing family responsibility and gender equality policies.


  • The re-accreditation of seven higher education institutions within the SKAZVO project;
  • Conducting the re-accreditation of postgraduate university (doctoral) studies;
  • Conducting external evaluations abroad;
  • Supporting Croatian HEIs in the implementation of CROQF and the new ESG;
  • Upgrading the MOZVAG system;
  • Monitoring graduate satisfaction and employment; 
  • Monitoring student satisfaction with study programmes on the national level;
  • Providing expert and administrative support to the work of strategic and expert bodies in the system of science and higher education (NCSHETD, Committee for Ethics in Science and Higher Education, Council of Polytechnics and Colleges, Field Committees for Appointment to Scientific-Teaching and Teaching Grades at Polytechnics and Colleges, Scientific Field Committees for Appointment to Scientific Grades, Scientific and Artistic Area Councils, and the Science and Higher Education Funding Council);
  • Participating in ongoing international projects and applying for new ones;
  • Human resources development; 
  • Developing a ranking system of candidates for enrolment to study programmes;
  • Improving cooperation with partners in the area of professional development of beneficiaries (students, pupils);
  • Conducting the procedure of application to undergraduate, graduate and integrated study programmes at Croatian HEIs;
  • Informing candidates about enrolment in HEIs in Croatia, informing users about professional opportunities (the continuation of education and professional development);
  • Recognition of foreign higher education qualifications;
  • Providing information on the national education system, foreign education systems and the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications;
  • Providing information on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications;
  • Processing data and producing statistics and analytics at the system level;
  • Cooperation with external stakeholders; 
  • Cooperating with institutions from the public and private sector, non-governmental and non-profit organisations.
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