As part of Erasmus+ KA3 project Emphasis on developing and upgrading of competences for academic teaching (Educa-T) coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MZO) a study visit to Sweden and Finland was organised from 14 – 19 May 2017. Six members of the project Working Group, including a representative from the Agency for Science and Higher Education, took part in the visit.
The participants visited Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), Division For Higher Education Development at Lund University, Centre for Teaching and Learning at Malmö University and the Centre for University Teaching and Learning, HYPE at Helsinki University.
The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the approach to the development of teaching competences in the Swedish and Finnish higher education systems. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the models of organization and implementation of educational programs and other educational activities for teachers at higher education institutions, types and contents of individual educational activities. They also gained insights into the models that managements of higher education institutions use to stimulate and assess the development of teaching competences as well as insights into approaches to developing a higher education institution’s organizational culture based on common values, quality and continuous dialogue at all levels of the institution. This will help members of the Working Group in achieving the anticipated project results: to develop the national profile of teachers’ competences in higher education, to make a proposal for a framework curriculum for improving the teaching competences, and to contribute to raising awareness of the importance of quality teaching and learning in higher education.