The Seminar Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), organised by the Agency for Science and Higher Education was held on 20th of February 2017 in Zagreb.
The European Standards and Guidelines have an important role in the development of the quality assurance of states and higher education institutions across the European Higher Education Area, as well as in cross-border cooperation. For this reason, and in view of the new cycle of re-accreditation of Croatian higher education institutions, the aim of the seminar was to answer the questions what ESGs mean to higher education institutions, how to implement required changes and how to increase the quality of study with the application of the European Standards.
Almost 150 participants – representatives of different Croatian universities, polytechnics and colleges as well as student councils – were presented the updated and revised version of the ESG.
The seminar speakers were: Colin Tück, Director of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), Elizabeth Noonan, Head of Quality Assurance Office, University College Cork, Professor Damir Boras, Rector of the University of Zagreb, dr. sc. Mislav Balković, Dean of the Algebra University College and Agency representatives Vesna Dodiković Jurković, PhD, mr. sc. Sandra Bezjak and Ivana Borošić.
The seminar was organised in the scope of a two-year project SKAZVO, funded from the European Social Fund. The main goal of SKAZVO project is to develop a new model of external quality assurance system in Croatian higher education.