The Agency for Science and Higher Education is a partner in the project Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR), coordinated by the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
DEQAR is a two-year project, covering the period from November 2017 to October 31, 2019, which envisages the creation of a European database with information on the outcome of the evaluation of higher education institutions. The objective of the project is to ensure easier access to reports and decisions resulting from the evaluation of higher education institutions carried out by EQAR-registered agencies, thereby increasing transparency in procedures for ensuring the quality of higher education in the European Higher Education Area. The project will be funded by the European Erasmus + programme.
The Agency for Science and Higher Education has been registered at EQAR since 25 November 2011 and has renewed its membership in accordance with the EQAR Council’s decision of 20 June 2017.