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The Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) published the 2018 Annual Report and 2019 Activity Plan.

During 2018, numerous activities have been conducted and valuable results have been achieved:

  • Application of the new model of re-accreditation
  • A guide has been published for members of expert panels in evaluating higher education institutions and scientific organizations
  • The process of pilot re-accreditation was carried out at 7 higher education institutions
  • Evaluation for 16 doctoral programmes was conducted at 10 higher education institutions
  • seven applications for initial accreditation of scientific activity were received and settled
  • pilot procedure for audit was carried out at 3 higher education institutions
  • 2 meetings for the CroQAnet network were held
  • 7 sessions of the regional scientific area councils were held
  • 111 sessions of the scientific field committees were held with a total of 1519 decisions made
  • scientific committees held 28 sessions through which 344 positive opinions were made on meeting the conditions in the selection process for teaching professions
  • The committee for ethics in science and higher education held 5 regular sessions
  • 26 918 candidates were granted the right to enrol in one of the study programmes of higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia in the summer enrolment period, while in the autumn enrolment period 4453 obtained the right to enrol
  • the results of the research on the employability of graduate students who graduated in the academic year 2015/16 were presented
  • new service “e-Exchange of student grade” was enabled on e-Citizens portal
  • conference “The future of higher education: Quality assurance as a promoter of change” was held
  • The National ENIC/NARIC office fully admitted 1762 foreign higher education qualifications for the purpose of accessing the labour market
  • ASHE became a member of GUIDE Association
  • ASHE participated as a coordinator and partner in 10 international projects
  • A cycle of workshops Careering for career advisors at higher education institutions was conducted as part of project SKAZVO
  • As part of the HRMinHEI framework, an online tool was produced for self-evaluation and analysis of human resources management functions at higher education institutions

The Report is available at the link.