Two international reviewers, prof. dr. Jürgen Kohler and Mrs. Vanessa Dulcos, visited ASHE on 11 March 2019 and held meetings with ASHE’s Director and employees as part of ENQA’s (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) progress visit.
The progress visit is made on a voluntary basis and its goal is not to check the compliance of the Agency’s work with Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), but to engage in a constructive dialogue oriented towards improvements.
In 2016, the Agency underwent international review conducted by the ENQA, and prof. dr. Kohler and Mrs. Dulcos participated as members of the expert panel in this procedure.
All European quality assurance agencies are subject to international external evaluation procedure in 5-year cycles, in order to prove their compliance with ESG. ASHE underwent this procedure two times – in 2011 and 2016.