One of the outcomes of the Erasmus+ Keep in pact project (2019–2022) is the publication of the Repository of skills, i.e. a competence framework for multi-partnership cooperation management in lifelong career guidance and counselling.
The Repository was developed by a Croatian team of experts led by Prof. Zoran Sušanj, PhD, and it provides a comprehensive overview of the key activities, knowledge, skills and individual characteristics of competent multi-partner cooperation managers. There are two basic aims to using the model: to select new employees for the position of multi-partner manager or as a basis for their professional development.
The Keep in pact project began in 2019 and involves six partner organisations from five European countries (France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Croatia). The aim of the project is to promote upskilling in the field of lifelong career guidance services, as well as to develop an innovative approach to the management of professionals working together in partnerships.