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The General Assembly of the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) held on 24-25 October 2024 in Malta (St. Julian’s) was attended by director of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, Prof. Danijela Horvatek Tomić, PhD, and deputy director Irena Petrušić, PhD.

The event was hosted by Malta Further & Higher Education Authority and the theme of the General Assembly programme was ‘Quality assurance beyond the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)“ and it included discussions on the quality assurance of research, and links between QA and the social dimension of higher education.

Breakout sessions included case examples from ENQA members and affiliates as input for discussion on the broad range of activities undertaken by agencies.

Participants were also updated on policy developments following the EHEA Tirana Ministerial Conference held on 29 May 2024 and contributed to first discussions about the next ENQA strategic plan.

You can find more information about the event on the following link.

Participation in the ENQA General Assembly was made possible within the framework of the “Quality Assurance in Higher Education” project financed by the Programme “Efficient Human Resources” 2021-2027 of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

Dr. sc. Irena Petrušić i prof. dr. sc. Danijela Horvatek Tomić na Generalnoj skupštini ENQA-e