Skoči do sadržaja

In line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Higher Education Area principles, the main goal of the Enhancing the Use of Mobility Tools for Recognition project is to ensure the awareness and increase the use of different mobility and recognition tools – qualifications frameworks, Europass, Diploma Supplement and ECTS – to promote academic and professional mobility of students and workers.

The use of mobility tools and recognition of qualifications should increase the transparency of foreign qualifications and thus facilitate their fair recognition, increasing the chances for employment in Europe. Project activities include seminars for higher education institutions, public administration bodies and employers in the participating countries – Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and France. The national seminars will provide and disseminate information on existing recognition procedures and tools through the implementation of good practice in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention and its subsidiary texts, using the European mobility tools and documents such as the recognition manual for HEIs (EAR HEI).

The Agency’s National ENIC-NARIC office is one of the partners in the project coordinated by the French agency CIEP. The duration of the project is two years.

In December 2014, the Agency held one of the project workshops on improving the mobility tools for recognition in Zagreb, while another project activity was the international seminar held in May 2015 in Sèvres in France.