The European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) has announced through press release the recent launch of the European database on outcomes of evaluation of higher education, full name being the Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR) through this link http: // /. The Agency for Science and Higher Education has been registered at EQAR since 2011, and is included as one of the partners in this major and extremely important European project funded by the European Erasmus+ Progrmme.
Thanks to the DEQAR base, a wide range of users will be provided with easier access to reports and decisions resulting from evaluations conducted by EQAR member agencies in accordance with European quality assurance guidelines in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), thereby increasing transparency in quality assurance procedures in higher education in the European area.
Seventeen registered EQAR agencies, including ASHE, are actively participating as project partners for technical support, while the other partners are key organizations of European stakeholders-ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE, Education International, CIMEA and the University of Ghent.
The current overview of the database includes about 400 education institutions, including most institutions from Belgium (the Flemish community, Croatia, Finland, Romania and Spain (Catalonia). Further growth and development of DEQAR is expected in the future, and all agencies registered with EQAR are invited to be included in the reports and results of their work.
Over the next few months, EQAR will also collect feedback from users and implement them as needed. The final publication of the database will be in October 2018.
Read the full press release here.